TradeRush was the first of the SpotOption brands to offer Pair Options trading on its platform. Currently, Pair Options are included on several of the other SpotOption brands such as Banc De Binary and are essentially the same as that of TradeRush. Pair Options trading on the SpotOption platform is expressed simply as another asset class, much like currency pairs. It is not a stand alone execution system in the style of StockPair. StockPair actually displays two different assets on the same chart and lets you pick which one of the assets will outperform the other in a given time period. The SpotOption Pair is offered as a single asset pair where one asset is expressed vs a second asset. If you feel the lead asset will outperform the secondary asset you select a call option. If you feel the secondary asset will outperform the lead asset you would select a put option.

The TradeRush screenshot above illustrates an example of a Pair Options trade. Note that the Pairs can be selected by clicking on the pairs button listed next to the other asset classes such as Commodities, Currencies, Indices and Stocks. The Apple vs Amazon Pair price is listed at 2.40148. The price is determined by dividing the higher priced asset by the lower priced asset. In this case Apple is trading at 587.28 and Amazon is trading at 244.55 resulting in the listed pair price of 2.40148. If you think that Apple will outperform Amazon by expiry then you would select a CALL option. If you think Amazon will outperform Apple by expiry you would select a PUT option.

Differences Between StockPair and TradeRush Pair Options

Although in essence the Pair Options trading on both systems is the same, there is really no comparison between the two platforms at this time. StockPair is superior to TradeRush in three significant areas.

  1. The layout of the StockPair Pair Options is much clearer  and easier to understand. Pairs are expressed as one asset vs a second asset. You see the price of both assets and they are expressed on a chart with two lines, one for each asset so you can easily compare the performance of the two. When you trade you select one asset or the other. As explained above, the TradeRush pair is expressed as one asset similar to a currency pair and you choose either a Call or Put option depending on which one will perform better.
  2. StockPair offers a range of 70 different types of Pairs to choose from including Stock Pairs from the US, Europe and Australia, Indices and Commodities. TradeRush has a limited selection of about 7 Stock pairs to choose from.
  3. StockPair offers Floating Pair Options as well as Fixed Pair Options, whereas TradeRush only offers Fixed Pair options.

For all of the above reasons Pair Options trading on the StockPair platform is far superior to Pair Options trading on TradeRush. There is one big advantage to trading Pair Options on TradeRush. A trader who is mainly interested in standard Binary Options, but would like to make an occasional Pair Options trade would have access to the many Binary Options trading features offered by TradeRush and would still be able to trade a selected number of pairs in the CALL/PUT binary options format that he is most familiar with.

SpotOption Plans to Update Pair Options Trading

There is talk that in the near future SpotOption will be upgrading their Pair Options Trading to more closely resemble that of StockPair. It is likely that TradeRush will be the first SpotOption broker to unveil this new Pair Options system. Until this update occurs anyone who is serious about trading Pair Options would be best served by utilizing the StockPair trading platform.

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